What is Fantastico De Luxe? Print

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Fantastico De Luxe

Fantastico De Luxe is the leading autoinstaller for cPanel web hosting servers. With more than 10.000 web hosting installations, it provides more than one million web hosting users the ability to quickly install dozens of the leading open source content management systems into their web hosting space.

For most webmasters, the installation of an online forum, a shopping cart or a blog program can take just a few minutes, but for the majority of users, the installation of third party software can create complicated installations and is often plauged with installation errors, 500 Error Codes, incorrect configuration files and or incorrect permissions. Fantastico was developed for those that do not have the time to go through installation manuals and configuration setups.

Overall, Fantastico is a great product and we value the addition of such a product to our arsenel of services that are provided by Same Day Hosting, however by using the auto-installer you may miss out on a few hours of hair pulling, swearing at the computer and countless reloads of the configuration file when the program doens't work as expected. Using the Fantastico De Luxe Auto-Insatller requires no technical knowledge and will actually make you less tech-savvy on future installations of scripts not offered by Fantastico. With 50+ scripts that are avilable through the interface, it's not a COMPLETE solution to all things web related, but it's a pretty good chunk!

Fantastico De Luxe can install PerlDesk! (needs additional domain based PerlDesk license)

Fantastico De Luxe can install the Soholaunch Pro Sitebuilder! (needs additional server-wide or domain based Soholaunch Pro license)

Fantastico De Luxe can install AccountLab Plus! (needs additional server-wide or domain based AccountLab Plus license)

Icon in your control panel

To access Fantastico De Luxe go to your cPanel  (Control Panel) and click on the icon displayed above.

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